Greetings family and friends!
Thank you for visiting our website. We appreciate your interest in John Wesley United Methodist Church and hope you will take a closer look at our ministries as you browse the pages. We offer many opportunities for you to use your gifts and fulfill a sincere desire to serve others, contribute to Nashville and the surrounding communities, and touch the lives of others worldwide. Together, we use our creativity and "out-of-box" thinking to develop programs, ministries, and events that serve all ages.
We are a loving community of believers who worship passionately, give generously, and fellowship with the goal of getting to know one another better. We are located in the 12South neighborhood, which enjoys a rich history.
We welcome all who seek transformation in their lives by developing an intimate, personal, permanent relationship with the living God, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Come and BOOM with our family! We will love you and simply ask that you love us in return.
In his name,

Our Vision

Our vision is to be a a compassionate body of believers who express the love of Jesus by inviting peope into a committed relationship with Jesus Christ, through prayer, bible study, worship , outreach and evangelism.
Our Motto

"The right time, the right place, to get your blessing!"
Our History

We are a neighborhood church under the leadership of Rev. Daniel M. Hayes Sr. We are blessed by powerful preaching, inspirational music, sound teaching and mission opportunities! We were formed in 1898 by a small goup of nine spiritual crusaders
These nine spiritual crusaders formed Nashville City Mission and were the founders of what is now John Wesley United Methodist Church. The various buildings, several name changes, numerous pastors, and many faithful members provided the development of a strong ministry where “the people had a mind to work.” read more...